Easiest Book Flowers-Variations

Book flower pages lightly brushed with blue acrylic paint

Blue acrylic paint is dry-brushed onto the pages before assembling flower.

The Easiest Book Flower to my mind is the Carnation-like corsage I detailed in an earlier blog, but I HAVE explored many other styles of blooms, some quite easy, and others requiring more dexterity, tools, and patience, so I’ll save them for later blogs.

The Carnation, however, has always proven satisfactory in its eye-appeal, simplicity, and adaptability. Oh, and it is also quite easy to teach so it really works for introducing groups to Crafting with Books. I’ve taught it to crowds of 300-400 at one time at the Texas Library Association Annual Conference, and I’ve taught it one-on-one at our local Makers Fair.

When Only BLUE Will Do

I’ve custom colored the book pages to match color schemes. One friend whose son was marrying a girl who wanted BLUE flowers, so we dry-brushed a FEW BLUE HUES of cheap blue craft latex paint, assembled the flowers, and they were JUST RIGHT!

Some Pages Come ALREADY Colorful

Of course, some pages come already colored from the publisher, and I have observed that some old textbooks used by certain compulsive students have so much HIGHLIGHTING in them that flowers made from them almost glow in the dark! Flowers made from MAPS offer a distinctly unusual look, and if you don’t mind cutting up such a thing, it makes an unusual souvenir from a memorable vacation.

Ready to Assemble Kits in a Baggie

Our Friends of the Library has sold ready-made corsages at their little book store inside the library, and they’ve sold hundreds of simple DIY kits to make the book corsage with everything needed to make it in a baggie (rounds stapled together with 2 paper leaves and a mounting pin- for $1)


Easiest Carnation Corsage Pin